Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Saying Goodbye...

So, I am sorry that I have not updated the blog in two weeks.  To be quite honest there was nothing positive to report and I was having a hard time with that.  When Carolyn went to Maryland they determined that she would not be eligible for treatment at NIC.  They also dramatically cut her life expectancy to 8 weeks.  Last week as a final effort Carolyn received her first Chemo treatment.  Which, in turn caused her much sickness.  She went into the hospital Sunday night and is experiencing liver failure.  At this time we are in a palliative care situation.  Carolyn is at peace in her heart and it ready to return to the Creator.  Please hold peace in your heart, knowing that she is happy.  We are at Mass General and will be until the end. 

I would also like to take a moment to share my overwhelming thanks to Carolyn's friend Douglas who has stood by her, lovingly and taken excellent care of Carolyn on a 24/7 basis.  I will forever be grateful to him for the love and care he has shown my sister through these difficult times.  Thank you forever.

I will update the blog with service information and will continue to post reflections of my experience loosing my sister and the fight against cancer.

Carolyn remains strong and is still such a fighter, but looks like in the end cancer will win this battle.

Thank you all for you support.

Love, Val


  1. Omg this breaks my heart and sends tears flooding down my face :'( I'm so sorry Carolyn to you, your family and most of all your daughter. You will forever be in my heart and I will always remember going to your apartment and hanging out with you and most of all driving around with you in your Volvo. I still have hope :) I'm not giving up on you, and don't you give up either. Fight this ugly cancer! You can do it Carolyn. If anyone can beat this you can! Please God see Carolyn thru these hard times and get her thru this. We need her here on Earth..Her daughter needs her. Please don't take her young life this soon..

  2. So sorry to hear this news. Carolyn and I used to ride on S Bus together back in the day and I remember her fondly. I am sending positive thoughts your way and hope for the best for you and your family.


  3. Val- if there's anything else that your family needs, please do not hesitate to ask. I know the first fundraiser was a success- would another one help in any way? Can we help somehow with meals/food for your family-giftcards to local restaurants, coffee shops, etc?
    I went to WA with Carolyn. We were more acquaintances but we had some classes together. I can remember a conversation she and I had about you. Carolyn was playfully teasing me about being smart after we got a quiz back. I instantly began trying to explain that I really wasn't that smart and Carolyn was quick to say how smart her little sister was. She went on for a few minutes about how amazingly smart you were. She was so proud and almost in awe of you. It's apparent that the two of you still share that special sister bond.
    You and your family are in the thoughts of me and my family. Keep love, light and positivity in your hearts!

  4. I want to write to let Carolyn know I have been praying for her and her family since I first heard the news. This last update has left me speechless I really don't know what to say. I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I will continue to pray and keep you and your daughter in my thoughts.

  5. I'm in tears and I don't know what to say, but I want you to know that I have kept you and your family in my prayers. I love you guys so much!

  6. Dearest Val, I have kept you, Carolyn and your family in my prayers and positive thoughts. Your update has put me in tears of appreciation for the love and appreciation you express for your sister. I also deeply appreciate Carolyn's intention to accept what is happening now in her journey. I know...very easily said. I will continue to send lots of love your way, Val, and supportive space for your sister and family.
    oxox Maya

  7. Val you have paid such a beautiful tribute to your sister with your words, with your actions, with your heart. You have stirred many people's hearts and have inspired them to give. God bless you. I know how hard these last weeks and months will be, cancer took my mom just 4 years ago in the same aggressive way. The only advice I can give is to love her so much every minute that you have left. Hold her and kiss her and reminisce with her as much as you can. It is heart-breaking, but these last memories are so important. You are so strong and amazing. I will pray for beautiful moments for all of you in these coming weeks. xoxo

  8. Val, I have been thinking of you so much throughout the days and nights since your last email. I have no adequate words to express how sorry I am that you and your sister and family are going through this crazy journey. Please please let us help you through this. Please don't be afraid to ask for help. I want to help. I know these are life changing moments. Thank you for sharing this journey with us, as painful as it is. You and your family are loved by so many.
